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主营:铝合金活塞、活塞环、机油、消音器、套缸 Main: alumin...





福州钜全汽车配件有限公司系外商独资企业,是台商在大陆最早投资并取得成功的厂家之一,公司座落在福州市福兴投资区。公司投资金额为2100万美元,建厂于1991年,投产于1994年,占地面积4万平方米,建筑面积3.2万平方米。专业生产各种汽车、摩托车、空压机、柴油机、舷外机等各种铝合金活塞和有色金属铸件,现活塞年产销量已超过2000万只,销售收入近3亿元,活塞 产销量居全国活塞制造业之首,企业经济效益近几年均居全国活塞行业榜首,已成为中国汽车零部件行业知名的“小巨人”企业和摩托车行业活塞制造厂商中的龙头企业。 钜全公司以其先进的技术和精湛的工艺生产的优异品质“JCC”商标品牌活塞(“JCC”是福州钜全汽车配件有限公司于1997年向国家商标局注册的商标,该商标已获福州市著名商标、福建省著名商标认定及福建省名牌产品和中国驰名品牌称号),产品深受业界、客户的推崇和好评。活塞已销往美国、加拿大、意大利等欧美国家,并获得主机厂OEM配套:国内配套的主机厂有神龙富康、绵阳新晨、沈阳三菱、沈阳新光、柳州五菱、新大洲本田、金城铃木、南方雅马哈、轻骑铃木、厦杏摩托等一百多家的OEM厂家。特别在摩托车制造业中,“JCC”商标活塞的全国市场占有率超过了70%。 公司历来注重产品的质量,已建立了完善的全面质量管理体系,福州钜全汽车配件有限公司在1996年获得ISO9001质量体系国内、国际双重认证基础上,于1999年作为国内活塞制造厂首家获得QS9000质量体系国际认证。更可喜的是在2002年3月又作为国内汽车零部件制造业首家获得2002年国际标准化组织最新颁布的ISO/TS16949质量体系国际认证,并于2004年1月获得升级版ISO/TS169492002质量体系国际认证,2005年3月通过南德TUV上海服务公司认证的ISO14001:1996环境管理体系,2005年12月取得美国福特汽车公司Q1资格;近年来公司投入巨资进行先进技术设备和检测设备的升级换代,先后引进日本的RC8648三维高精度活塞靠模机(迄今为止国内引进的第一台该类设备)、英国的G90C三座标测量仪、英国的TALYROND265圆度仪等设备,使之硬件和软件技术水平与当今国际同行业先进水平同步。与此同时,钜全公司不断地应用和吸收先进的新技术、新工艺、新材料,仅2000年和2001年度对R&D的投入分别为541万元和543万元,使钜全公司“JCC”商标品牌活塞的高新技术含量不断提高,高新技术产品占总产值的70%以上。为此钜全公司先后获得福建省科学技术厅和福建省对外经济贸易厅评审颁发的《外商投资先进技术企业》、《高新技术企业》、和《两个密集型企业》的称号。 福州钜全汽车配件有限公司极其注重企业诚信和社会公众效益,公司多年来一直被省、市税务部门评定为《A类企业》、《纳税大户》;被福建资信评级事务所评定为最高的《资信等级AAA》级别;客户和OEM厂商对钜全公司的活塞产品质量和服务十分满意,每年授予钜全公司《优秀供应商》、《优胜配套企业》、《质量信得过企业》、《质量A类产品》等奖牌、锦旗和证书不胜枚举。 福州钜全汽车配件有限公司特别重视企业的长远发展、永续经营,在经济全球化的浪潮中抓住机会,迎来国际化采购浪潮:美国、日本、欧洲的跨国大公司纷纷来钜全公司洽谈采购铝合金零件,包括美国福特汽车、TRW、Coperland、富士华、艾默生、科勒、日本的本田、YAMAHA、富士重工、伊藤忠等等,涉及各种铝合金零件,而且部分零件已经投入样品开发阶段,为钜全的发展 提供了广阔的前景——预计今后几年钜全除了在传统的活塞领域产值翻番以外,其他各种铝合金零件的产值将大大超过活塞产业,形成一个多元化的企业集团。 公司遵循“求新求变,精益求精;价宜守约,顾客满意放心”的质量方针,“尽心尽力,为人为已”的企业精神,以满足顾客的需要为最高目的,以全面质量管理(TQM)为追求目标,以持续不断改进为动力,致力于管理和质量的全面提升,服务于全球的广大客户! Fuzhou Jieh Chueng Automobile Fitting Co., Ltd , seated in the Fuxin Investment Zone,Fuzhou, is a foreign-investment enterprise. It is one of the earliest successful enterprises that invested in the mainland of China by Taiwan entrepreneurs. The initial investment of the company was US$21 million. It was established in 1991 and started production in 1994. The company occupies a land area of 40,000m2 with a building area of 32,000m2. It produces various aluminum alloy pistons and other casting parts for automobiles, motorcycles, air compressors, diesel engines, and outboard engines, etc. General Manager: Mr Xue YuTian   The current annual piston sales volume has been more than 20 million pieces and the sales revenue is nearly up to 300 million RMB. With the largest piston production volume and the largest economic performance in the piston industry these years, the company has been a famous manufacturer in the automobile parts and components industry as well as the motorcycle industry. With advanced skill and technology, our company produces JCC pistons of excellent quality.( JCC is a trademark registered by the National Trademark Registration Bureau in 1997, and the brand has gained much honor, such as “The well-known brand in Fuzhou”, “Fujian famous brand certified”, “Fujian famous-brand products”, “Famous brand title of China”, etc). JCC pistons have gained a worldwide reputation as well as high regards from customers and even rival manufacturers. The pistons have been exported to the U.S.A, Canada, Italy, etc, and supplied to more than one hundred O.E.M factories, such as DONG FENG-CITROEN, Mianyang Xinchen(TOYOTA), Shenyang Aerospace MITSUBISHI, Shenyang Xinguan( TOYOTA), Liuzhou Wulin( SUZUKI), Hainan Sundiro HONDA, Jinchen SUZUKI, Nanfang YAMAHA, Qingqi SUZUKI, XIA SHING Motorcyle(SYM), etc. Especially in motorcycle manufacturing industry, JCC pistons have occupied more than 70% of the domestic market. Jieh Chueng always pays much attention to product quality, and has established a comprehensive and complete quality management system. After obtaining ISO 9001 quality system certification in 1996 (both internal and international certification), Fuzhou Jieh Chueng Automobile Fitting Co., Ltd also applied itself to attain the QS9000 quality system certification as the first domestic piston manufactory in 1999,what is better is that JCC was the first company in the line of automobile parts in China to be granted with ISO/TS16949 of the latest version by international organization for standardization in March 2002, and ISO/TS16949 2002, an upgraded version, in January 2004. In March 2005, ISO14001:1996 was bestowed on JCC by TUV SUD Shanghai Service Company, and then Ford Q1 in December 2005.In the past few years Jieh Chueng has invested a great number of fund to improve the technique and inspection equipments, such as a Japan imported high precision CNC grinding machine of three dimension RC8648(so far the first one imported into China of such type), UK GC90 coordinate measuring machine, UK TALYROND265 roundness measuring machine, etc. Therefore, the technical level of Jieh Chueng has always been kept in the same step with the current international standard in this industry. Meanwhile, Jieh Chueng continuously applies and absorbs new advanced technique, art processes, and materials. In 2000 and 2001,the R&D investments were respectively up to RMB 5,410,000 and 5,430,000, which greatly improved the JCC brand pistons’ high and new technical level. The total production value of its high and new technical products is up to more than 70%. Therefore, Jieh Chueng has successively gained the honor of “Advanced Foreign-Investment Enterprise”, “ High and New Technical Enterprise”, and “ Two-Intensive Enterprise”, which are reviewed and awarded by Fujian Scientific & Technical Office and Fujian Foreign Trade Office. Fuzhou Jieh Chueng Automobile Fitting Co., Ltd. Attaches much importance on the enterprise credit and social public benefit. It has been appraised for many years, by the provincial and municipal tax bureaus, to be the“A Grade Corporation” and “Leading Taxpayer”, and also has been appraised by Fujian Credit Grade Appraisal Bureau the “AAA Credit Grade”. Its customers and OEM manufactures are quite satisfied with the quality and service of the pistons provided by Jieh Chueng Company. Every year numerous medals, silk banners and certificates are appraised to Jieh Chueng Corporation, such as “Excellent Suppliers”, “Superior Fitting Corporation”, “Quality-believable Enterprise” and “A Grade Products”,etc. Fuzhou Jieh Chueng Automobile Fitting Co., Ltd. Pays a special attention to the long-term development and perpetual management. It grasps the opportunities to develop itself in the economic globalization tide and meet the international purchasing wave. Multinational enterprises from America, Japan and Europe, including Ford, TRW. Copeland, Husqvarna, Emerson, Kohler, Honda, Yamaha, Fuji Heavy and Itochu, came to Jieh Chueng to negotiate on the purchase of various aluminum alloy parts. The purchase involves various kinds of aluminum alloy products, and some of them have been on the stage of sample development, which provides a promising prospect for the development of Jieh Chueng. It is anticipated that Jieh Chueng’s output value of pistons will be doubled in the coming years. Besides, the increase of other aluminum alloy parts will greatly surpass that of the piston industry, which brings about a comprehensive corporation group.
  • 联系人:王雪跃 张柯斌
  • 电话:020-81293662 83665556-561 83621865
  • 手机:13313786868 18122128252 13998141999
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